Off-campus programs

Master of Arts in Teaching - Secondary (with a KSDE Restricted License)

Pittsburg State University has a long history with the Kansas City, Kansas Public schools and is proud to offer the Fellows Program on their campus. The MAT Secondary is available to teachers hired by KCKPS on a KSDE restricted license. For more information regarding this program contact Dr. Cherona Hicklin, Chair of the Teaching and Leadership Department,


MAT - Secondary Sequence of Courses

Employed by USD 500 with a KSDE Restricted License

Year 1 Summer


TCHL 851

Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom

TCHL 836

Positive Classroom Management

TCHL 879

Instructional Planning and Delivery



Year 1 Fall


TCHL 825

Initial Experience

READ 720

Content Literacy



Year 1 Spring


TCHL 839

Techniques for Teaching Secondary

TCHL 878

Assessment for Effective Teaching



Year 2 Summer


SPED 815

Individuals with Exceptionalities

TCHL 854

Advanced Methods and Instructional Materials for ESOL



Year 2 Fall



Advanced Educational Psychology

EDTH 868

Educational Technology Application



Year 2 Spring


TCHL 849

Culminating Experience

PSU will offer undergraduate coursework in the afternoons on the campus of the Comité Paraguay Kansas (CPK) in Asuncion, Paraguay. These general education undergraduate courses will be taught in English. Students can complete their degree program on the Pittsburg, Kansas campus. These academic credits, which will apply toward a bachelor’s degree at PSU, may transfer to other Kansas or US universities and colleges.

PSU in Paraguay webpage

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